Times Square x Kyoto Prefecture - Kyo Yaki · Kiyomizu Yaki

Kyoto ceramic exhibition
CLIENT | Times Square | 2021

Kyo Yaki ‧
Kiyomizu Yaki

15th of March, 2021, Hong Kong Times Square cooperated with Kyoto Prefecture to exhibit the beautiful natural scenery in Kyoto by the exquisite exhibition “Times Square x Kyoto Prefecture - Kyo Yaki · Kiyomizu Yaki”. The group exhibition shows more than 30 Kyoto ceramic craftsmen food and flower utensils, tea sets and decorations which combine both craftsmanship and aesthetics.

Inspired by Japanese traditional craftmanship, we built a production set design to exhibit the exquisite ceramic wares and to promote the cultural exchange between Hong Kong local pottery art and ceramics of Kyoto.